Jason Shippey

'The current global recession and the impact on large businesses is detailed in the media everyday. However, a large proportion of the British workforce are in fact self employed, a status that I aspire to myself. This series of portraits highlights the silent victims of the recession, the self employed.

The skill in photography is having the vision of how you want a photograph to finish. When I compose an image in my mind, I see the final image.

However, for this project the final images are not the only story. By displaying the pre-edited it offers an insight into a photographer’s vision, the small details that transform an image from OK to interesting. 
Come with me as I highlight, improve and manipulate images to achieve my vision.'

31/5/2012 07:36:48 pm

This work looks very interesting. It reminds me of the old days.

3/8/2012 12:31:56 pm

Adidas Running Shoes presents all the possible features of this type of shoe from the materials it is made with, to the technologies that make it a top quality running shoe.


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